Privacy Statement

The Cloth Option and its advocates are committed to maintaining the privacy of you and your family. As such, we will never sell any of your information to a third party, nor will we share any identifying information submitted to us through this website or all TCO-associated groups without your written consent. This identifying information includes names and faces. Please note that while we are committed to protecting your identity, we may share screenshots of Facebook postings or excerpts from emails we receive. In these instances, your identifying information will be obscured or not included.

From time to time we may conduct surveys in order to gain statistical information from the families we assist. We will use this data for quality improvement purposes and to share with our stakeholders. We will not post any identifying information from any of our survey respondents without their written permission. We may post survey results here on our website.

Photographs of children on this website are published with express written permission of the child(ren)’s parents/guardians. collects statistical data about visitors to our website, such as referral links, search terms, pages visited and visit duration, and so on. This information is used only for our own, private analysis and will not be sold to any third party company.

Finally, any third party or outside links presented on this website may take you to a page with a different privacy policy than ours. We are not responsible for the content of those pages, nor are we responsible for their privacy policies. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of any website you use.